Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jessica Hische Designed More Stuff I Love Than I Realized

Jessica Hische was mentioned almost a month ago in class and since then I've slowly started to realize that she has something to do with a lot of things that I really,really,really like.

I frequently visit Barnes and Noble and I've always admired these fancy hardcover books. Which I hope will someday be on my bookshelf.
They say don't judge a book by its cover which is difficult when they look as pretty as these ones do. Each one is fancy and ornate without being too over the top or pretentious looking. This is how I imagined all of these classics looked like way back in the day before laptops and ipads. 

I also frequently eat Dove chocolate, or anything chocolate related for that matter.

Jessica Hische somehow managed to make chocolate look even more delicious than it already is. Aside from having clever copy, visual aesthetics are incredibly important in advertising. Especially when it comes to food.This could also start a whole new trend: edible fonts.

My favorite fashion blogger, Keiko Lynn, also uses Jessica Hische's work. This girl always looks incredible, of course her blog needs to do the same.

Keiko says in her FAQ page that she uses the Buttermilk font for her header, which I think suits her style very well. It's really interesting how the type of font someone incorporates into their blog can help emphasize their image. If I had money to spend on one of her fonts, I would (along with many other things my fashion blog needs desperately). 
It's really great that some of her fonts are available for sale. It shows that her work is versatile and can easily represent professional or personal brands. 

Even my one of my favorite directors, Wes Anderson, has used her fonts. My mind is officially blown.

Moonrise Kingdom is a love story that takes place in New England in the early 1960s. I think this font perfectly captures a sense of whimsical vintage and romance. According to Jessica Hische's site, she worked directly with Wes Anderson to develop the font used especially for this film. This makes me love him as a director even more because it goes to show how much he cares about every aspect of his movies and that every detail matters.

Jessica Hische, you get me. So far, you're probably my favorite designer. If you're reading this, I'm totally going to hire you to do my book covers once I become a super famous award winning writer or something like that.

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