Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Logo Designs

I designed a few new logos for my service learning client in another class I'm in. The only guidelines that were given to me was to change up the color scheme and to try and incorporate a globe.

This is their current one. The client that I meet with says she isn't too thrilled with the color scheme, she wishes there was at least one more color to break things up a bit from looking bland. She also said that that the three stripes remind her of toothpaste. They are very toothpaste-y aren't they? I'm indifferent towards the tagline being included, but I think it could be shorter. 
And these are the ones I designed!

Logo 1: My addiction to the color green and fancy borders is getting pretty serious. I really like the fonts I chose and so did my client. The only thing she wasn't a fan of was the shade of green I had chose. She suggested I change it to a dark violet or a navy blue. I'm going to go back and make those changes and see if she'll like either of them better. 

Logo 2: My client told me this one reminded of a piece of art she saw once. I stuck to primary colors and played around with shapes and lines. I don't think they're going to go with this one. 

Logo 3: This one was the one she seemed to like the most. I made the globe icon myself with the ellipse tool and a few lines, I thought it turned out cute. She also liked that I left some white space within this design because it gives them an option to add a tagline or member position title. 

From the sounds of it, it sounds like she's going to show her boss the 1st and 3rd ones. She asked if there was a way I could somehow combine the two designs. I'm going to give that a go and hope that it will turn out nice.

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