Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Magazine Layout Project

I managed to survive another class critique last week. This project was kinda fun because it reminded me of when I used to be a hot shot editor for my high school newspaper and had to do page layouts. I incorporated a few things from my last project like my obsession with pastels, cute borders, and carefully thought out fonts. I wish I had chose more interesting pictures for my magazine layout but I was pretty happy with how I placed them. Although the text drove me crazy, I'm really happy with my columns. Perhaps it's just a personal preference.

My biggest struggles were fitting all of the text in and making sure that my pictures didn't look all squished. The text format of course effected how the pictures were laid out which shows they go hand in hand. I'm really glad that I took some advice and moved my title from upper last hand corner to across the page in big font. Someone said my project looked professional, which was very sweet of them because I honestly didn't think I did a great job with it. Maybe it wasn't as awful as I thought it was but there's always room for improvement.

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