Sunday, May 12, 2013

Directors I Love and the Typefaces They Love

I read this article, 10 Auteurs and the Typefaces They Love, and I wanted to make my own comments. Oh and of course rant about 3 of my favorite directors who inspire my work the most.

Woody Allen and EF Windsdor Elongated/EF Windsdor Light Condensed
I remember someone mentioned that the font I used for my 3rd project reminded them of a Woody Allen and I TOTALLY see it now. Such a serious and elegant typeface displayed in black and white is ironic but makes sense with his films. Now that I realize this it makes them a little more humorous. 

Wes Anderson and Futura
Again, the use of typeface like futura brings out that serious and humorous tone in certain films. After reading this I decided to give this font a shot for my 4th project. The only exception to the Wes Anderson/Futura love affair is the gorgeous cursive typeface designed by Jessica Hische in Moonrise Kingdom. Now I'm trying to imagine that film with futura and it just doesn't work for some reason. Perhaps because romance is more of a key element than a side story unlike most Wes Anderson films. 

Sofia Coppola and Various Typefaces
She may not pick one type face in particular but she does think about how typeface compliments a film and its soundtrack. The random note font for Marie Antoinette goes along with the punk rock soundtrack that was incorporated in order to remind viewers that Marie Antoinette was a regular teenager who was forced to grow up during a difficult time. Sofia Coppola makes a similar soundtrack and film typeface choice in Lost in Translation and The Virgin Suicides.

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